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MSA Information This information was produced by PSP Australia in colloboration with Parkinson's Victoria. It is intended as a guide and you should discuss all symptoms and health issues with your neurologist and health workers.
Multiple System Atrophy (MSA) is a rare neurological (brain) condition. It is caused by a gradual loss and shrinkage of brain cells in the parts of the brain that control movement, balance and the automatic functions of the body such a bladder and blood pressure. It is important that people with MSA see a neurologist (a doctor who specialises in the brain).
MSA Help Sheets and resources The complete set of MSA Help Sheets and other resources are available in the form of an easy to use Information Kit.
The complete set of MSA Help Sheets and other resources are available in the form of an easy to use Information Kit. To purchase your copy download the brochure which will give you a general introduction to the condition on the back of the brochure you will find the order form MSA Brochure and Information Kit order form (PDF 91KB) here. Help Sheets are written in plain language and have been professionally developed with input from people living with MSA and other health experts.
Contents Include: Section 1: Introduction of MSA (see below) Section 2: Managing Symptoms of MSA Section 3: Staying Independent Section 4: Later in Life Issues
For further information please contact Parkinson's Victoria direct on (03) 8809 0400 or 1800 644 189.
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